Multimodal Diffusion Transformer: Learning Versatile Behavior from Multimodal Goals

Moritz Reuss, Ömer Erdinç Yağmurlu, Fabian Wenzel, Rudolf Lioutikov
Intuitive Robots Lab (IRL)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) 2024


This work introduces the Multimodal Diffusion Transformer (MDT), a novel diffusion policy framework, that excels at learning versatile behavior from multimodal goal specifi- cations with few language annotations. MDT leverages a diffusion based multimodal transformer backbone and two self-supervised auxiliary objectives to master long-horizon manipulation tasks based on multimodal goals. The vast majority of imitation learning methods only learn from individual goal modalities, e.g. either language or goal images. However, existing large- scale imitation learning datasets are only partially labeled with language annotations, which prohibits current methods from learning language conditioned behavior from these datasets. MDT addresses this challenge by introducing a latent goal- conditioned state representation, that is simultaneously trained on multimodal goal instructions. This state representation aligns image and language based goal embeddings and encodes suffi- cient information to predict future states. The representation is trained via two self-supervised auxiliary objectives that enhance the performance of the presented transformer backbone. MDT shows exceptional performance on 164 tasks provided by the chal- lenging CALVIN and LIBERO benchmarks, including a LIBERO version that contains less than 2% language annotations. Further, MDT establishes a new record on the CALVIN manipulation challenge, demonstrating an absolute performance improvement of 15% over prior state-of-the-art methods, that require large- scale pretraining and contain 10× more learnable parameters. MDT demonstrated its ability to solve long-horizon manipulation from sparsely annotated data in both simulated and real-world environments.

Model Architecture

MDT-V Overview Left: Overview of the proposed multimodal Transformer-Encoder-Decoder Diffusion Policy used in MDT. Right: Specialized Diffusion Transformer Block for the Denoising of the Action Sequence.

MDT learns a goal-conditioned latent state representation from multiple image observations and multimodal goals. The camera images are either processed with frozen Voltron Encoders and a Perceiver or using ResNets. The separate GPT denoising module iteratively denoises an action sequence of 10 steps with a Transformer Decoder with causal Attention. It consists of several Denoising Blocks, as visualized on the right side. These blocks process noisy action tokens with self-attention and fuse the conditioning information from the latent state representation via cross-attention. MDT applies adaLN conditioning to condition the blocks on the current noise level. In addition, it aligns the latent representation tokens of the same state with different goal specifications using self-supervised contrastive learning. To enhance the multimodal goal understanding, MDT uses two novel self-supervised losses:

Masked Generative Foresight

Masked Generative Foresight

A fundamental insight of this work is the importance of an informative latent space for understanding how desired goals affect robot behavior. Policies capable of following multimodal goals must map different goal modalities to the same desired behaviors. Whether a goal is defined through language or represented as an image, the intermediate changes in the environment are identical across these goal modalities. The proposed MGF, an additional self-supervised auxiliary objective, builds upon this insight. The resulting latent state representations then serve as conditional inputs for the Future Image-Decoder. This small transformer decoder receives encoded patches of future camera images along with mask tokens. Its task is to reconstruct the occluded patches in future frames conditioned on the latent tokens of our policy. During inference, this step can be omitted.

Contrastive Latent Alignment

Contrastive Latent Alignment

Contrastive Latent Alignment auxiliary objective aligns the MDT(-V) embeddings across different goal modalities for the same state. The objective focuses on the latent embeddings of our diffusion policy that include the goal as well as the current state information. This allowing the CLA objective to consider the task dynamics. Every training sample that is paired with a multimodal goal specification is projected to latent vectors for images and language goals, respectively. Contrastive Latent Alignment is achieved by using the InfoNCE loss with cosine similarity between the image and language projection. Instead of aligning the goal space, CLA aligns the latent space of the goal-conditioned policy end-to-end during training.

State-of-the-art on CALVIN

MDT-V sets a new record in the CALVIN challenge, extending the average rollout length to 4.60*, which is a 12% absolute improvement over RoboFlamingo. MDT also surpasses all other tested methods. Notably, MDT achieves this while having less than 10% of trainable parameters and not requiring pretraining on large-scale datasets. We train and evaluate MDT in just 14 hours by running it on 4 NVIDIA A6000 GPUs.

MDT also achieves a new SOTA performance on the CALVIN D Benchmark in just 8 hours of training and testing on 4 GPUs.

Train Method 1 2 3 4 5 Avg. Len.
D HULC 82.5% 66.8% 52.0% 39.3% 27.5% 2.68±(0.11)
  LAD 88.7% 69.9% 54.5% 42.7% 32.2% 2.88±(0.19)
  Distill-D 86.7% 71.5% 57.0% 45.9% 35.6% 2.97±(0.04)
  MT-ACT 88.4% 72.2% 57.2% 44.9% 35.3% 2.98±(0.05)
  MDT (ours) 93.3% 82.4% 71.5% 60.9% 51.1% 3.59±(0.07)
  MDT-V (ours) 93.9% 83.8% 73.5% 63.9% 54.9% 3.70±(0.03)*
ABCD HULC 88.9% 73.3% 58.7% 47.5% 38.3% 3.06±(0.07)
  Distill-D 86.3% 72.7% 60.1% 51.2% 41.7% 3.16±(0.06)
  MT-ACT 87.1% 69.8% 53.4% 40.0% 29.3% 2.80±(0.03)
  RoboFlamingo 96.4% 89.6% 82.4% 74.0% 66.0% 4.09±(0.00)
  MDT (ours) 97.8% 93.8% 88.8% 83.1% 77.0% 4.41±(0.03)
  MDT-V (ours) 99.1% 96.8% 92.8% 88.5% 83.1% 4.60±(0.05)*

*: 3.72±(0.05) (D) and 4.52±(0.02) (ABCD) in the paper. Performance is higher than reported given some fixes in the camera-ready code version.

LIBERO with less than 2% Language Annotations

In the LIBERO task suites, MDT proves to be effective with sparsely labeled data, outperforming the Oracle-BC baseline, which relies on fully labeled demonstrations. MDT not only outperforms the fully language-labeled Transformer Baseline in three out of four challenges but also significantly surpasses the U-Net- based Distill-D policy in all tests by a wide margin, even without auxiliary objectives. The performance of MDT on the LIBERO-90 suite demonstrates that both objectives and our policy learn best from a large dataset. The proposed auxiliary objectives further improve the average performance of MDT by 8.5% averaged over all 5 task suites.

Real Robot Experiments

Real world play dataset encompasses around 4.5 hours of interactive play data with 20 different tasks for the policies to learn. Play demonstrations last from around 30 seconds to more than 450 seconds and contain between 5 and 20 tasks. The dataset is partially labeled by randomly identifying some tasks in the demonstrations and annotating the respective interval, yielding a total of 360 labels (~18 labels per task) or approximately 20% of the dataset.

Sample Demonstration from the Real Robot Dataset

Evaluation Videos




    title={Multimodal Diffusion Transformer: Learning Versatile Behavior from Multimodal Goals},
    author={Moritz Reuss and {\"O}mer Erdin{\c{c}} Ya{\u{g}}murlu and Fabian Wenzel and Rudolf Lioutikov},
    booktitle={Robotics: Science and Systems},